Snap Judgments for the Undeserving

Saturday, June 11, 2005


As you may have inferred by the previous posting of pictures with absolutely no explanations (sorry! lack of internet!) I have arrived in Brussels, and met up with Bridget, who will be coming with me on my crazy tour of Europe punctuated many times by Poland (which, yes, I'm aware, is part of the aforementioned conglomerate of countries).

These are the Guild houses in the Grande Place of the city:

I was surprised and thrilled by Brussels' amazing Art Nouveaux architecture. The following is was designed as a department store, and is now the musical instruments museum.
Art Nouveaux in Brussels:

Look! I'm a tourist! Here's the obligatory photo of me and the Mannekin Pis
Don't I look thrilled??

The lovely Bridget and Malaika (who was our very sweet host in Brussels) sack out after an exhausting macro-biotic lunch (no, seriously).

Bridget and I both found things to amuse us in Brussels. Bridget found her dream car: The best thing about this car, she says, is that any second one expects a giant child's hand to come down from the sky, and run the car backwards a few times to wind it up.
Cutest car ever:

And I found really big old churches. Gothic Cathedrals you might say.
Cathedrale St. Michel et moi


  • We saw one of those windy-uppy cars on the corner of North and Farwell whilst enjoying hamburgers. I know you're jealous.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:10 PM  

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