Snap Judgments for the Undeserving

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Dazed and Confused

Ack! I've been unable to access the Internet for 7+ days ... where am I?? what's going on?? I don't even know who I am anymore...

I think I may be back in Wisconsin, and there may have been a New Year's stop to do the Virginia Reel in Kentucky along the way, but I'll let you all know for sure once my head clears.


  • I'm definitely feeling out of touch during the post-holiday week. :) I'm still out here watching your website! I love reading the updates. I promoise to get my website going again: I"m just needing to order a civil war day dress pattern so I can get off and running with my new fabric. Take care,


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:42 AM  

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