Snap Judgments for the Undeserving

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

I go north...

Now that I've gotten over my slight case of plague, I though you all might like to see some tidbits from my wonderful trip to visit to the Bridget family home in Duluth, Minnesota. It was a great vacation, and I had many opportunities to play around in the snow and be lazy, which is all a girl really wants.

Here it is ... the humble Holcomb homestead.
And no, I don't have a problem with alliteration, why do you ask?

Bridget and I went walking in the woods almost every day
(and were never shot by hunters ... I thank my "I am not a deer" song)

Here's where I got "creative" and forced Bridget to build the entire pyramid of Giza complex in her front yard.

I think the Sphinx turned out well.

And finally, this is what happens when Bridget and I attack the snowman that her father had built in the yard. Uhhhh, that's not and Amazon, and all my male friends shouldn't be scared. Really....


  • Wow. Funny things happen when you let an art historian build snow sculptures. I'm totally impressed.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:04 PM  

  • Hmmm.. I could have sworn I saw a Calvin and Hobbes strip on this same subject matter.

    By Blogger Ken, at 6:04 PM  

  • I too love Calvin and Hobbes (the Snapbro recieved the complete edition hardcover for Christmas), however I sincerely doubt that they ever turned a snow-woman into a baby-slaughtering amazon ...

    My favorites of theirs are the melting snowmen holding signs saying "the end is near, repent!"

    By Blogger Anna, at 6:20 PM  

  • Hi Hi!

    I'm officially back on the blogger circuit after a several week absence. I love your reminds me of the Mummy II. Cool new computer. What kind is it?

    By Blogger Costume Diva, at 11:41 AM  

  • Does that Sphinx have a nose? tsk tsk.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:59 PM  

  • That's just a representation of the Sphinx before the French military blasted it with a cannon*. They subsequently surrendered to the Sphinx.

    *I'm aware that this has been discounted as legend, but my joke didn't work without it. The nose is actually believed to have been removed by Sufi fanatics in the 15th century who were upset that the Sphinx's face so accurately copied the human form.

    By Blogger Dave, at 4:45 AM  

  • I am in awe of your snow geekiness.

    But happy, as I am working on easter, and my dear sister Sandy gave me a link to your lovely blog to entertain me while I'm stuck at work. Huzzah for you

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:47 AM  

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