Snap Judgments for the Undeserving

Monday, November 15, 2004

Homage to my weekend...

I finally stopped being a dummy and got around to seeing "The Incredibles" this past weekend. As everybody should know by now, it was amazing, especially Edna Mode ... dah-ling ...

Their website is also a good time-waster - especially the "discover your superhero identity" game... Although I am less that pleased with my “super hero name” selected by the computer and based on my “abilities”

my "official super hero name"
I feel like I’ve just escaped from Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure. Dyno Dudette?!? What’s my super power? Huge razor sharp teeth and tiny useless prehensile arms? Or perhaps blowing things up, while using my catchphrase of "Excellent"??

However, all is redeemed by my Emblem ... which is super cool:
My Emblem ... U is for "ultra"


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