Snap Judgments for the Undeserving

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Zee Dear! Zey are French!!

It really explains a lot if you think about it, especially their personal hygiene and attitude problems*.
As I got into my car yesterday I was surprised to find that I had an audience … albeit and audience that doesn’t care that I exist.
You lookin' at me?

(I swear ... there are dear in that photo ... my phone leaves something to be desired in a camera)

I was about 20 feet away from them, and yet they were pretty non-challant about the whole “person-getting-into-a-car that could then run them over”.

They just sort of looked at me like they were saying “f*** you … what, do you want us to care about you? We poop on your lawn and stand in front of your car when you want to leave … what are you going to do about it, hunh??"

Maybe they’d respect me if I got me one of these:

Every girl might need one

*I’m not really knocking the French, being as I am a franc-o-cheese-o-phile … but I thought the gross generalization about them was fairly funny.


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