Snap Judgments for the Undeserving

Friday, September 28, 2007

Hint hint ...

Marie Antoinette's Pearls are coming up for auction this December. Just in time for the holidays. I'm just saying...

So very shiny!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Stop! Taser Time

As you all know, my blog is usually apolotical, and I think this still falls into that category. Frankly, I assume you've all already seen this, but just in case, here you go.

(My favorite part, which shows what a terrible human being I am, is the tragic yelping in lieu of part of the melody. I cried)

Thanks to Davin for bringing this to my attention. Complaints about my insensitivity may be directed to him

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

My mission to Mars just got a lot more fashionable!

As many of you may know, one of the few obstacles holding me back from volunteering for the inevitable Mars mission has been the complete fashion disaster that is the current space suit (other notable factors include, of course, the lack of high speed internet and an inconsistant supply of diet coke).

However, given current trends, I may be saying 'Bon Voyage a la Terre' sooner that I ever imagined. Yes, that's right, space suits are hot* now!

Ze new Biosuit!

*Or if not 'hot' at least 'less hideous' and that's all a girl is asking for really...

Monday, September 10, 2007

Gently making fun of the famous...

The Manolo (shoe blogger extraordinaire, if you haven't read him, you should) now brings us celebrity gossip that I can get behind. I don't actually want that much information about these poor celebrities, I just need need hilarity, and that can be found now at Ayyyy!!!.

Awesome, yes no?

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Emma, Jesus. Jesus, Emma.

This past weekend someone has (yet again) entrusted the spiritual growth of their child to my care. Seriously, what are these people thinking? Have they met me?!? I believe a simple statement paraphrases my feelings on the occasion: Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!

Emma, my new Goddaughter, meeting the big J.C.

To commemorate the occasion, cake was in order.
(This cake was actually three times the size of the baby, as dictated by Catholic Cannon Law)

Sooooo ... any suggestions as to how I should handle my new responsibility?!? Hmmmm, on second thought, I'm sure I'll think of plenty of ways to warp her myself. Let the nerdening begin...